Getting started with Tcl: example 8

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Interaction with the environment

Environment variables, command line…


# interacting with the environment

# Predefined variables
puts stdout "home = $env(HOME)"
puts stdout "tcl version = [info tcl]"

# Executing shell commands
puts stdout "ls = [exec ls]"

# Command line arguments
# $argv is a liste
puts stdout "all the command line arguments = $argv"
puts stdout "second command line argument = [lindex $argv 1]"

# Dealing with variables
puts stdout "---"
set MyNumber 5
puts stdout  "list of all variables, including MyNumber = [info var]"
puts stdout "---"

# Unsetting a variable
unset MyNumber
puts stdout  "list of all variables, without MyNumber = [info var]"


This output has been produced with the command: ./example-08.txt a b c d

home = /home/ducourth
ls = example-08.tcl
all the command line arguments = a b c d
second command line argument = b
tcl version = 8.4
list of all variables, including MyNumber = tcl_rcFileName tcl_version argv0 argv
tcl_interactive errorCode auto_path errorInfo MyNumber env tcl_pkgPath tcl_patchLevel
argc tcl_libPath tcl_library tcl_platform
list of all variables, without MyNumber = tcl_rcFileName tcl_version argv0 argv
tcl_interactive errorCode auto_path errorInfo env tcl_pkgPath tcl_patchLevel argc
tcl_libPath tcl_library tcl_platform


This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.
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en/doc/pub/tcltk/example-08.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/05 16:11 (external edit)
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