Thomas Fuhrmann was engineer in the team since February 2016 to October 2018. He worked for the Aceda, Comosef and Airmes project.
Hermes Moraes was PhD student from November 2014 to June 2018. He worked on AND and CTM.
Antonin Deneux was engineer-student in Automn 2017 and Spring 2018. He worked on performance of IEEE 802.11p as well as
Romain di Fatta, Mathilde Longuet, Arthur Pons, Nicolas Rigaud were engineer-student in Spring 2017 and worked on PKI for Airplug.
Daniel Li was engineer-student in Autumn 2016 and worked on cryptographic solutions for Airplug (CIP application).
Nicolas Merlet was engineer-student in Autumn 2016. He worked on cryptographic solutions for Airplug (CIP application). He also worked on a program computing the families of dynamic p-graphs to model dynamic networks (PGT application). In Spring 2016, he worked on the SPG application for reaching mobile gateways in dynamic networks.
Charles Herlin was engineer-student in Autumn 2016 and worked on some Python developments.
David Bloquel was engineer from November 2014 to April 2016 and from October 2016 to December 2016. He worked on the Comosef experiments and the POL application (pollution measure).
Arnoud Van Huele was engineer-student; he worked on scenarios and scripts for running demonstrations using the Airplug network emulator on large screens (February and Spring 2016).
Ophélie Haurou-Béjottes was engineer-student in Automn 2015. She worked on a program computing the families of dynamic p-graphs from GPS traces.
Ahmed Wade was postdoc researcher from November 2014 to October 2015. He studied the dynamic networks modelling by means of so-called
dynamic p-graphs
Adrien Hubner was engineer-student in Spring 2015; he worked on cryptographic solutions for Airplug (CIP application).
Matthieu Guffroy was engineer-student in Spring 2015. He wrotes a report on communications between Android phones.
Jovan Radak was postdoc researcher from April 2013 to April 2015. He worked on a testbed relying on ZigBee sensors and road side units for detecting frozen area on the road, using our distributed data fusion solution. He designed the XBE application.
Koji Kamakura was invited professor from Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, from April 2013 to March 2014. He worked on the V2V and V2I performances of our opportunistic architecture using road tests.
Pierre Hudelaine was engineer student until October 2014 (
études d'ingénieur par alternance). He worked on an experiment of autonomous vehicle with obstacle detection using cameras and alert propagation to warn automatic electric vehicles. He studied Pacpus ↔ Airplug communication (PAC application).
Florian Impellettieri and Shuhan Lin were engineer-studed in Automn 2014. They worked on a web architecture for V2I applications.
Farah El Ali was PhD student until 2013 and worked on the elastic path problem for unicast communication (PTH application).
Song Huang was master student in Spring 2012. He worked on local evaluation of the network dynamic.
Joana Troplini was master student and participated to some road tests (Summer 2012).
Meddy Decouture was technician student (
stage de DUT) in Spring 2012. He worked on Bluetooth connexion between OBU and Smartphones and wrote a Bluetooth library.
Thibaut Ouvrier-Buffet was engineer student in Spring 2012. He studied a V2I and I2V applicative architecture (OBU, RSU and INU applications).
Samuel Cousin was engineer student in Spring 2012. He worked on touch screens for embedded computers running Airplug.
Florian Schmidt and Laure Chausse studied the connection Android ↔ Airplug during their engineering studies at UTC (Winter semester 2011). They developed the second version of TEL
, an Androïd application communicating with Airplug applications using Bluetooth.
Yoann Dieudonné was research engineer during Winter semester 2011. He mainly contributed to the study of the COL
application (data collect).
Thomas Macquart and Bastien Purnelle studied the communications between the Pacpus platform (software embedded into lab vehicles) and Airplug during their engineering studies (Winter semester 2010). They developed CGW
, a car gateway application.
Nghiep-Vy Duong studied the dynamic data storage and developed STO
(storage) during his engineering studies (Winter semester 2010). He also studied the Sybil nodes detection and developed the second version of the SYB
prototype during Spring semester 2010.
Sofiane Khalfallah was PhD student from 2006 to 2010. His work concerned the dynamic group service. He developed Airplug-ns
and the group service application GRP
for ns-2 (Network Simulator).
Mohamed Cherif was PhD student from 2007 to 2010 at France Telecom R&D (Orange Lab) and used Airplug for a part of his work related to M2M communications.
Carlos Gomez studied the detection of Sybil nodes during his engineering studies (Automn 2009) and developed the first version of SYB
(Sybil node detection).
Thibaut Lehmann and François Birot developed communications between smartphone and Airplug during their engineering studies (Automn 2009). They developed the first prototypes of TEL
(a java application for smartphone) and BTH
(an airplug application for Bluetooth communications), as well as a Bluetooth library.
Anthony Buisset studied the data collect in vehicular networks during his master thesis (Spring 2009). He developed WFM
(wave for MANETs) and the first version of COL
(data collect). He also worked as engineer during Winter 2009 and contributed to several applications. He developed the first prototype of Airplug-emu
Farah El Ali studied connection between Airplug and IPv6 networks during her master thesis (Spring 2009), and developed the first prototype of GTW
. During a preceeding training period from the Lebanon University of Tripoli, she studied the connection between Scoot'R and Airplug (Spring semester 2008).
Stéphane Pomportes studied synchronisation in dynamic networks during his master thesis (Spring 2008) and developped UNI.
Guilhem Lettron improved the TAB
(distributed white board) and CHV
(distributed vocal chat) applications during his engineering studies (Spring semester 2008) in the aim of preparing the Fête de la Science. These application were formely developed by groups of students of the Algorithms and Distributed Systems course (SR05).
Jérémie Eskenazi studied the generation of vehicular scenarios during his engineering studies (Spring semester 2008) under the supervision of Sofiane Khalfallah (PhD student).
Gilles Guette was postdoctoral student in 2006-2007. He studied some security issues of vehicular networks.
Gael Delbary studied the transportation of video in dynamic networks using yencode
, vlc
and Airplug during his engineering studies (Spring 2007).
Nicolas Eude developed NBH
, an application for neighborhood discovering.
Yacine Khaled was PhD student from 2004 to 2007. His work mainly concerned the one-to-many communications in dynamic networks. He developed the first prototypes of ALT
and HOP
and a preliminary version of Airplug-ns
. He also studied the vehicular communications based on IEEE 802.11 during his master thesis (Spring 2004).
Farid Sayah studied transport protocols in vehicular networks using ns-2
during his master thesis (Spring 2005).
Rami Kassab studied image transportation during his period trainee from the Lebanon University of Tripoli (Spring semester 2005).
Matthieu Kowalsky developed a first program for inter-vehicles communications during his engineering studies (Spring semester 2004).