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Getting started with Tcl: example 7

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Creating procedures


# procedures, while
set Chaine {bonne année}
puts stdout $Chaine

# Defining a procedure. Beware of spaces and brackets.
proc fact { nb } {
    global Chaine
    puts stdout "Chaine dans la procédure = $Chaine"
    set i [expr $nb - 1]
    while { $i > 0 } { # Beware of spaces and brackets
	set nb [expr $nb * $i]
	set i [expr $i - 1]
    return $nb
puts stdout ""

# Calling the procedure
puts stdout "factoriel 5 = [fact 5]"


bonne année
Chaine dans la procédure = bonne année
factoriel 5 = 120


This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.
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