====== Getting started with Tcl: example 14 ====== This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\ [[en:doc:pub:tcltk:start|Back to the Tcl/Tk documentation page]] / [[en:doc:summary|Back to the Airplug documentation page]] ===== How to sort a list ===== ==== Script ==== #!/usr/bin/tclsh # Scanning arrays using for set lst [split "b:a:b:c:a:b:d" ":"] puts stdout "original list: $lst" puts stdout "list without repetitive term but with a different order: [lsort -unique $lst]" set i 0 foreach item $lst { if { [ info exists tab($item) ] } { set lst [lreplace $lst $i $i] } else { incr i } incr tab($item) } puts stdout "list without repetitive terms in the same order: $lst" puts stdout "array of the numnber of occurences: [array get tab]" puts stdout "number of occurences of [lindex $lst 1] = $tab([lindex $lst 1])" ==== Output ==== original list: b a b c a b d list without repetitive term but with a different order: a b c d list in the same order but without repetitive terms: b a c d array of the numnber of occurences: d 1 a 2 b 3 c 1 number of occurences of a = 2
---- This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\ [[en:doc:pub:tcltk:start|Back to the Tcl/Tk documentation page]] / [[en:doc:summary|Back to the Airplug documentation page]]