====== Getting started with Tcl: example 13 ====== This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\ [[en:doc:pub:tcltk:start|Back to the Tcl/Tk documentation page]] / [[en:doc:summary|Back to the Airplug documentation page]] ===== How to scan an array ===== ==== Script ==== * **Using ''for'' in case of numerical index**: #!/usr/bin/tclsh # Scanning arrays using for set tableau(1) un set tableau(2) deux set tableau(3) trois for {set i 1} { $i <= 3 } {incr i} { puts stdout "tableau($i) = $tableau($i)" } * **Using ''foreach key'' and ''array names''** #!/usr/bin/tclsh # Scanning arrays using foreach and array names set tableau(1) un set tableau(2) deux set tableau(3) trois foreach key [array names tableau] { puts stdout "tableau($key) = $tableau($key)" } * **A variant, using ''foreach'' and ''array get'':** #!/usr/bin/tclsh # Scanning arrays using foreach key set tableau(1) un set tableau(2) deux set tableau(3) trois foreach { key value } [array get tableau] { puts stdout "tableau($key) = $value" } * **Using ''array anymore'' for efficient searching in large arrays:** #!/usr/bin/tclsh # Scanning arrays using foreach key set tableau(1) un set tableau(2) deux set tableau(3) trois set wanted [array startsearch tableau] while {[array anymore tableau $wanted]} { set key [array nextelement tableau $wanted] puts stdout "tableau($key) = $tableau($key)" } array donesearch tableau $wanted ==== Output ==== tableau(1) = un tableau(2) = deux tableau(3) = trois
---- This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\ [[en:doc:pub:tcltk:start|Back to the Tcl/Tk documentation page]] / [[en:doc:summary|Back to the Airplug documentation page]]