====== Getting started with Tcl: example 10 ====== This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\ [[en:doc:pub:tcltk:start|Back to the Tcl/Tk documentation page]] / [[en:doc:summary|Back to the Airplug documentation page]] ===== Arrays versus strings ===== ==== Script ==== #!/usr/bin/tclsh # arrays vs. strings set Fibo(0) 1 set Fibo(1) 2 for { set i 2 } { $i < 10} { incr i} { set Fibo($i) [expr $Fibo([expr $i - 1]) + $Fibo([expr $i -2])] puts stdout "Fibo($i) = $Fibo($i)" } puts stdout "liste Fibo = [array get Fibo]" puts stdout "" array set Tab {a alpha b beta c delta} puts stdout "Tab(b) = $Tab(b)" ==== Output ==== Fibo(2) = 3 Fibo(3) = 5 Fibo(4) = 8 Fibo(5) = 13 Fibo(6) = 21 Fibo(7) = 34 Fibo(8) = 55 Fibo(9) = 89 liste Fibo = 8 55 4 8 0 1 9 89 5 13 1 2 6 21 2 3 7 34 3 5 Tab(b) = beta
---- This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\ [[en:doc:pub:tcltk:start|Back to the Tcl/Tk documentation page]] / [[en:doc:summary|Back to the Airplug documentation page]]