====== Getting started with Tcl: example 9 ======
This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\
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===== Lists versus strings =====
==== Script ====
# lits versus strings
puts stdout ""
set MyString "Happy New Year"
set MyList [list {a b} c hello 5]
# From a string to a list: split
foreach item [split $MyString] {
puts stdout "item = $item"
puts stdout ""
# From a list to a string: join
# NB: concat applies on the list obtained with split $MyString
set MyString [join [concat [split $MyString] $MyList] : ]
puts stdout "Now, MyString = $MyString"
==== Output ====
item = Happy
item = New
item = Year
Now, MyString = Happy:New:Year:a b:c:hello:5
This page is part of the Airplug documentation related to Tcl/Tk.\\
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